UK Soul Choirs presents...
UK Soul Choirs presents ‘Candlelit Soul’! Join East Kent Soul Choirs for a night of festive inspired soul and pop classics by candlelight!
Take your seat and let their 100 plus member strong choir lead you into a magical wonderland of soulful and uplifting harmony!
East Kent Soul Choirs, made up of sister branches Whitstable, Margate and Canterbury, are part of UK Soul Choirs; amazing community choirs across London and the South East all led by talented, professional musicians and singers. With almost 600 Members to date, they’ve been lucky enough to perform with Soul Legends like Mica Paris, Alison Limerick, Jocelyn Brown and Lemar!
They’ve opened the main stage at On Blackheath Festival and also been featured in several high profile commercials. They’ve also performed at local events such as The Margate Soul Festival, Dreamland Camp Bestival and The Crescent Turner Hotel as festive entertainment. Come and kick off the festive season in style with this soul-filled evening!