Spark Film Productions presents...
Immerse yourself in a unique, hands-on experience with our 2-day Halloween-themed film-making workshop, designed for both beginners and those with some experience.
UPDATE: Screen31 will now be on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th October.
Over the course of the workshop, you’ll work with a professional filmmaker to explore the essential elements of storytelling, cinematography, and editing.
Working in small groups, you’ll have the chance to develop and film your own original Halloween short film, gaining practical experience in the process. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have developed new skills, built confidence in your film-making abilities, and created a polished short film to share.
No previous experience is required—just a passion for storytelling. Spaces are limited, so don’t miss the chance to turn your creative ideas into reality. These sessions are for young people aged 15-25. To register for the course, please email