Square Pegs Film Club presents...
One Christmas Eve a long time ago, a baby crawled into Santa’s bag of toys… Raised as an elf, Buddy grows into an adult three times larger than the biggest elf–and realizes that he will never truly fit in at the North Pole. This holiday season, Buddy goes looking for his true place in the world — in New York City. Buddy finds his workaholic father –who’s on Santa’s “naughty” list, a new mother and a 10-year-old brother who doesn’t believe in Santa Claus or elves. Here, now, Buddy discovers his destiny–to save Christmas for New York and the world!
This is a Relaxed Screening. All are welcome to this screening that has subtle changes to the cinema experience including:
- The lights being kept on at a low level and lower than usual sound levels
- No trailers or advertisements – just the film
- Allowance for increased levels of movement and noise
- People to help you find your seats
- Captioned subtitles on the screen and audio description headsets available.
Tickets: £5pp + booking fee of £1.25 (accompanying Carer/Support provider go free – please contact Ticket office on boxoffice@kent.ac.uk to book Carer ticket)
Access scheme members please log in to access support provider ticket online. Find out more about Access and the Access Scheme at Gulbenkian
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